New feature: videoconferencing as a resource

BlueMind’s latest feature lets you manage videoconferencing resources.  

September is synonymous with “back-to-school” and fresh starts. It is a month full of promises that sets the tone for what’s to come. At BlueMind, we have a few surprises in our school bag. Before we release our brand new UX-centred webmail, we’re thrilled to announce an extra feature for both v.4.0 and v3.5 (from v3.5.13): the ability to manage videoconference resources in the BlueMind calendar.

Easier resource management

If you often hold videoconferences, you’ve probably faced practical issues when organising them: how to communicate the correct link or password to all participants or make sure that the videoconferencing bridge is available, in addition to actually creating the meeting.

So we put our thinking cap on to come up with a simple, resource-management solution for videoconferences.

The result is a tool that lets you create resource templates containing all key videoconferencing information: connection link, password, support and any other details you might deem useful.

Setting up a template

To use this feature, you must create a template for a BlueMind resource with your videoconference’s details. This only needs to be done once by an administrator.

All users then have to do is “invite” this videoconference to a meeting. All connection details will be sent automatically to all participants.


Who can enjoy this feature?

The videoconference feature is available from version 3.5.13.

Want to know more? Contact our team for any questions you might have. You can also join us at one of the many events we attend throughout the year (see the calendar).

And so that you don’t miss any of our news (we still have a few surprises in store…), sign up for newsletter.

Picture of Leslie Saladin

Leslie Saladin

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