BlueMind Digital Crisis: a new solution for IT systems’ resilience against cyberattacks

BlueMind Digital Crisis offers an intuitive, sovereign email solution in the event of a cyberattack. Ready-to-use and available at any time, it is separate from your IT systems and maintained independently to prevent all contagion risks.

No one will escape cyberattacks.

From SMEs and large companies, to hospitals and local and national governments, the number of cyberattacks continues to grow across Europe and target all types of organisations.

Through the website created by ANSSI (France’s National IT security agency) and the Ministry of Interior, individuals, public and private organisations can report cyberattacks and get assistance with what measures to take.

When a cyberattack occurs, the disruption to victims’ teams and activities is aggravated by having no access to communications tools.

To avoid having to revert to the old pen and paper (as during a recent attack on the NHS 111 service), you need to set up a crisis response unit to get your systems back up and running and make emergency decisions. But, how can this unit share information when your entire IT system is paralysed? How can you communicate with your colleagues – sometimes remotely – with no chat, no videoconferencing and, most importantly… no email?

At last, BlueMind has the answer.

BlueMind Digital Crisis

BlueMind’s sovereign collaborative email solution is deploying a new offering to help you overcome cyberattacks and ensure your IT systems’ resilience: BlueMind Digital Crisis. It is a ready-to-use set of communications tools in case of cyberattack. Emergency email and videoconferencing are up and running immediately so that you can communicate, coordinate actions and share information throughout the crisis.  

BlueMind Digital Crisis offers an intuitive, sovereign email solution in the event of a cyberattack. Ready-to-use and available at any time, it is kept separate from your IT systems and maintained independently to prevent all contagion risks.

Our secure hosting service has the SecNumCloud certification.

How does it work?

In an ongoing crisis, your usual communications tools may be compromised or paralysed. Your IT systems cannot be trusted. BlueMind Digital Crisis can be enabled easily and immediately by your company management or functional areas. You can access your emergency communications platform from any PC or mobile device with an internet connection.

Because there’s no need to add confusion to an already difficult situation, the design of BlueMind’s webmail focuses on ensuring a smooth user experience. You will find all the features you need to send and receive messages, start a videoconference and plan your next steps easily.

BlueMind Webmail View

BlueMind Digital Crisis ensures your teams’ organisation during the crisis and helps recover more quickly after a cyberattack.

Two keywords: security and transparency

BlueMind Digital Crisis is hosted securely on a platform which is dedicated to your systems and kept separate from your other tools, and therefore safe from contagion from your IT systems under attack. The whole chain – SecNumCloud solution and hosting in France – is sovereign and kept away from the Cloud Act and foreign extraterritorial legislation.

BlueMind has always been committed to Digital Sovereignty. Our expertise and our ability to build well-mastered solutions strengthen our technological independence and protect our freedom of choice, whether that be in the digital sphere or for the models of society that emerge as a result. The BlueMind solution is sovereign – developed and hosted in France – and open source.

Built into a global crisis response solution

BlueMind Digital Crisis can be built into an overall Digital Crisis Response Solution. You can add our email and videoconference tools to your crisis management solution so that you can stay in control of your communications capabilities at all times.

BlueMind already has a packaged offering with AUCAE, a French crisis response and training solution.

You can find our joint webinar (french only).

In a nutshell

BlueMind Digital Crisis is an emergency communications tool used in the event of a cyberattack. BlueMind Digital Crisis highlights, in 6 key points:

  • Essential communications tools needed in a crisis: emailcalendar, videoconferencing, mobile devices,
  • A simple, intuitive, user-friendly solution,
  • Can be enabled and controlled by functional areas without delay,
  • Separate from your IT systems, no risk of contagion,
  • Secure: SecNumCloud hosting, keeping you out of the Cloud Act’s reach,
  • Sovereign: a made-in-Europe solution, hosted in France, developed in complete transparency.
Picture of Leslie Saladin

Leslie Saladin

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