BlueMind’s Solution

BlueMind’s latest feature lets you manage videoconferencing resources.   September is synonymous with “back-to-school” and fresh starts. It is a month full of promises that…
14 October 2019
Your suitcases are packed and your plane tickets neatly put away with your passport. This time, you haven’t forgotten the sunscreen or the mosquito repellent.…
22 July 2019
When a system breaks downs or malfunctions, finding the cause can often be tricky. This is why BlueMind 3.5.9 integrates a full (open-source) platform metrics,…
16 July 2019
Designing a modern, accessible and user-friendly webmail system is one of BlueMind’s challenges for 2019. But how can we achieve this effectively? And what for?…
19 June 2019
For non-experts, email usually is just about what they see and use, i.e. the email client, typically Outlook. In fact, Outlook is what allows users…
6 May 2019
The latest version of BlueMind’s mail solution was announced at the Paris Open Source Summit 2018, as we pressed oranges on our exhibition stand. The whole campaign was built around a blue orange, but… why? To understand the rationale behind the Blue Orange, you must understand BlueMind’s v.4.0’s mission and why it has taken so long – 5 years — to come out.
9 January 2019
Email signatures are a powerful marketing tool but they can be a source of headaches for businesses as they often rely on end-users to be…
5 November 2018
BlueMind v3.5 allows users to create several calendars to organise their activities. Calendars can be managed manually but they can also come from external calendar…
9 May 2017
Congratulations, you’re finally equipped with an innovative mail solution and you’ve convinced your teams, employees and colleagues to use its collaborative features: business calendars are…
8 May 2017
So here you are with your shiny BlueMind setup. You’ve heard about our grand architecture plans, extension points, p2 platform, REST API, but you find it hard…
30 March 2017
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